St Thomas Blog

A prayer during lockdown

A prayer during lockdown

Friday 22nd May 2020
Gwen Matthews

Gracious Friend and Living, Loving Lord, the people of our world are under attack by a pretty little virus with evil intent - to try and drastically reduce the world population - in the most appalling way. Our people are fighting back, stoically nursing the sick and dying while taking care for their own safety. Many of the nursing staff have succumbed to the disease.

Apart from the hospitals and care homes many people are still working to deliver food and necessaries to those of us who are in "lockdown" and isolated. This time of separation has united us in a common consideration for our friends and neighbours and those we see might need a little extra help.

We give you thanks that the weather has been bright, making it more pleasant to see even when we dare not go far from home and only then if the journey is absolutely necessary.

Lord, we know this is happening all around the world - in countries great and small and even in the tiny islands like the Falklands, and we pray for the people throughout the world. Scientists everywhere are working continuously to find a cure for those who have the disease and a vaccine to prevent it. We make this plea, dear God, for help for those people and pray that with your help a solution will soon be found. Amen.

Gwen Matthews