St Thomas Blog

St Thomas Lockdown Library
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Jenny Tuckett
St Thomas Library is shut for the duration. So is the City Library. And we have all this extra time to read! Spotting a 'niche need' Ann in Wardrew Road started a small lockdown library by popping a few spare books on the wall outside her house, with a notice: 'Take or swap a book and enjoy!'.
Thus began St Thomas' Lockdown Library, now an established cultural feature and go to walking destination in these bleak days when libraries, bookshops, cinemas and theatres are all closed.
Ann's venture has taken off, with many regular visitors including - most importantly - children, their parents, carers, neighbours and people from afar who have heard about it. Everyone has a story to share and many people are glad to see a friendly face and a listening ear...albeit at a social distance!
The library is kept topped up by the generous community who donate, meaning that novels, biographies, cookery books, children's books and DVDs pour in and disappear as quickly. On sunny days, there are a couple of chairs for readers to sit and browse.
The library is dependent on fine weather, so there have only been a handful of days that Ann hasn't set the shelves up - a demanding part of their family exercise routine. As well as all this, grateful readers and neighbours leave donations that are taken to St Thomas Community Larder every week.
Thank you, Ann, for such an inspired idea. Please continue for the sake of all our mental health and well being.