St Thomas Blog

Saying goodbye to Eliza
Thursday 27th August 2020
We bid farewell to Eliza (Revd Dr Eliza Getman) on Sunday, as she celebrated a final Eucharist and preached, before she takes up the post of Chaplain at Taunton School. Not only did Eliza lead worship here, and contribute to parish activities, she also provided the wonderful South African crib set seen here, for Christmas services.
- Eliza wrote this very kindly in response:
Sunday was unforgettable. It was a reminder of just what a generous and articulate and compassionate community St Thomas' is. I have loved being among you for a season. And Sam and I will be back to visit often.
Thank you for your kind words after the zoom service. And thank you for singing back to me (illegally!) at the receiving of the elements during the midday Mass.
What most of you won't know is that I had exactly the right number of wafers for distribution in the ciborium - I thought they were running out as Ian brought the last folks forward. And then one was stuck underneath another wafer. And Marion Cabral wanted gluten free so Ian received the last wafer. That kind of perfect provision has never happened to me before during communion. I got a bit weepy while I was eating the priest's consecration wafer and drinking the wine on behalf of all of us. It has been such a privilege to serve you.
Thank you also for your cards and well wishes and very generous gift voucher for Marks and Sparks. Sam and I are going to buy his uniform there today. As Sarah says: It's a great place to buy pillows, knickers and tins of baked beans!
Our furniture arrived yesterday. And our cottage already feels like home.
Sending love and prayers and gladness for you each and all, Eliza (and Sam)