St Thomas Blog

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Monday 18th January 2021

There is an annual week from 18th to 25th January when there is an especial focus in our prayers on Christian Unity, often with events in local neighbourhoods to mark the importance of this. The Diocese of Exeter is twinned with the (catholic) Diocese of Bayeux-Lisieux in Normandy, France. There are regular exchange visits, and every other year an exchange of preachers during this Unity Week. Fr David has visited France on several occasions for this purpose, with Fr Laurent Berthout making the reverse journey.

The videos below in French and English mark this occasion, when because of Covid, we cannot make the visits in person.

The text of Fr David's sermon is here.

Let us also not forget the St Thomas Community Larder, which is our 'on the ground' action for ecumenism and the local area.