St Thomas Blog

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Rev Eliza's Home Eucharist

Monday 30th March 2020
Rev Eliza Getman

Eliza has shared her beautiful kitchen table Eucharist with us. You can follow the liturgy in the text below or you can download it in this service booklet. Follow this link to see and join in with the service. NB This is a FaceBook video. Click 'not now' on the pop up screen. When the video appears, please enable sound at the bottom and start it on LHS. Thank you for sharing this Eliza! An Informal Eucharist Service The Liturgy of the Word The president says: Grace, mercy and peace be with you. All: And also with you. Faithful one whose word is life Come with saving power - to free our praise Inspire our prayer - and shape…

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Passion Sunday - Lent V

Sunday 29th March 2020
Rev Charles Keay

Listen to Rev Charles' reflections on enduring love this week and how he links it to the very challenging times in which we all find ourselves living. If you prefer, you can read his thoughts below. Don't forget to leave a comment as we'd love to hear from you! Reflection - Lent V John 11:1-45 The Gospel for this Sunday is a lengthy one, St John Chapter 11 verses 1- 45 and recounts how Jesus brings Lazarus back from the dead. But what can this passage say to us at this particular time? Well, I wonder if Jesus offers some words of hope when he says: 'I am the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will…

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Sermon on Mothering Sunday

Sunday 22nd March 2020
Rev Sarah Cumming

Rev Sarah delivered this sermon today in the parish church - for the first time without a congregation. But you don't need to miss out - read her message below in our new blog today. Or listen to it by using this link Don't forget to leave a comment as we'd love to hear from you! Mothering Sunday 2020 Pray: may I speak in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen How are you doing? How do you feel about Mothering Sunday? Mothering Sunday can be one of those days which reaches to our core; for some people it will bring to the surface feelings of loss and heartache. For others, it is the cancellation of a Mothers' Day meal or…

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