St Thomas Blog
Keep up to date with news and views from St Thomas Church!
Mothering Sunday
Saturday 2nd April 2022
Read here the talk given by Prof Susannah Cornwall for Mothering Sunday this year. The lectionary readings are also included. [Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash]
Statement and Prayers for peace in Ukraine
Sunday 27th February 2022
The following statement was read this morning at St Thomas by the Rector: I thought I ought to say something in response to the war and crisis in Ukraine, and also react to that weird feeling that we are going about our daily business with its normal quarrels and irritations, and then suddenly see foreign bombs falling on a capital city and people hiding in underground stations. The traditional Lenten disciples which we begin this week on Ash Wednesday are a useful prompt: prayer, fasting and almsgiving, almost like weapons in the Christian armoury. Prayer sees us in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and all those in Russia and elsewhere who are protesting for peace. We are able to pray for peace,…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January
Friday 21st January 2022
We mark the importance of this week of ecumenical prayer with a recording in French of a short act of worship with Fr David giving the homily. This replaced the usual exchange of preachers between the diocese of Exeter and the Catholic diocese of Bayeux-Lisieux in Normandy, France. We hope to do these visits later in the year, Covid rules permitting. The text of the homily can be found here. Many thanks to all this group of French speakers, including media guru Nigel Walshe and members of Central Parishes, Exeter.
Christmas Day - The Shepherd's Tale
Saturday 25th December 2021
Revd Sarah explores the Christmas story from a shepherd's point of view. Here is the text of the Christmas Day talk
All Saints / All Souls 2021
Tuesday 9th November 2021
If you wish to read the texts of Revd Alison's excellent sermons for 31 October, click here: All Saints and All Souls
Harvest Festival 3 October 2021
Sunday 3rd October 2021
Blessings for Harvest Here is the Order of Service we shall use tonight for our Zoom service at 5pm, and here is the text for Fr. David's talk.
Zoom talk, 13th Sunday after Trinity (29th August 2021)
Tuesday 31st August 2021
Ian Totterdell, Churchwarden
Ian considers the differing views on keeping God's law in todays readings. You can read it here.
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sunday 15th August 2021
Read here Fr David's talk at the 10.30 Eucharist, which attempts to respond to the recent tragic events in Plymouth and the unfolidng catastrophe in Afghanistan within the context of Marian imagery. Revd Alison spoke about Mary's Magnificat at our Zoom Evening Worship the same day - read her talk here for an interesting contrast. [Photo by DDP on Unsplash]
Zoom talk, the Transfiguration
Monday 9th August 2021
Ian Totterdell, Churchwarden
Ian contrasts the glory seen at the Transfiguration with the life Jesus lived as a humble servant. Read it here
Festival of St James
Monday 26th July 2021
Revd Sarah wonders why we tell such unflattering stories about the saints, and draws upon St Paul's imagery that we are clay jars shining with the light of God. You can read her talk here.