St Thomas Blog

Keep up to date with news and views from St Thomas Church!

18th July 2021 Trinity 7 Sermon

Monday 19th July 2021
Phil Baker

See Phil's Zoom talk here

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Trinity 6 Sermon

Monday 12th July 2021
Revd. Alison Whiting

Read Revd Alison's Zoom talk about the beheading of John the Baptist here

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Uniform Swap dates announced!

Monday 5th July 2021

After our successful uniform swap last year, there have been requests to hold this event again. If you have clean, unwanted uniform for local schools, please drop it into the church tower between 10 and 12 on Tuesday 13th or 20th of July. You can also donate at the church hall between 1 and 2pm on Thursday 22nd of July. The uniform can then be picked up between 2.30 and 4pm on Thursday 22nd of July. We will comply with the current Covid regulations.

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Patronal Festival St Thomas 4 July 2021

Thursday 1st July 2021

We are celebrating our Patronal Festival for St Thomas on Sunday 4 July to encourage more people to take part. Please see our pewsheet for more details. Revd Sarah shares her thoughts about our understanding of God. Read it here. [Picture credit: Pixaby]

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Climate Change Walk

Thursday 1st July 2021

We were fortunate on Tuesday afternoon (29/6) to welcome a small party of walkers to St Thomas Church as representatives of the Young Christian Climate Network who are walking from the G7 meeting in Cornwall to the COP26 climate negotiations in Glasgow in the autumn. Ian joined them for the Dunsford-Exeter stage. Our prayers go with them.

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St Peter and St Paul

Monday 28th June 2021

We've transferred the feast day of Peter and Paul from 29 June to Sunday 27 June as they are important saints - the apostles to the Jews and Gentiles respectively. This is also the time of year in some dioceses for ordinations, so we pray for those being ordained and those celebrating anniversaries this year. Read Fr David's Zoom talk here.

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Trinity 3 Painting of the Storm on the Sea of Galilee

Sunday 20th June 2021

See the Picture Phil showed at Zoom here.

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3rd Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 20th June 2021
Phil baker

Read Phil's Zoom Talk about the Storm on the Sea of Galilee here.

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2nd Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 13th June 2021

Read Revd Alison's zoom talk here. [Picture credit: Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay]

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1st Sunday after Trinity

Monday 7th June 2021
Ian Totterdell, Churchwarden

Read Ian Totterdell's zoom service talk about the opposition Jesus faced from different quarters early in his ministry here

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