St Thomas Blog
Keep up to date with news and views from St Thomas Church!
St Thomas Community Uniform Swap
Friday 21st August 2020
Rev. Sarah
Got unwanted, clean school uniform? Then donate to St Thomas Community Uniform Swap! Donations received on Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th August from 10am-12 at St Thomas Parish Church Hall (behind the church). Any school uniform items for local schools will be gratefully received. No other clothing or school equipment, please, due to limited storage space. Need school uniform? Items of free school uniform can be collected from the Church Hall on Thursday 3rd September from 10am-12.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sunday 16th August 2020
We marked this Sunday as the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transferred from yesterday 15 August. Here is the text of the talk given at the Zoom worship. Happy Feast Day!
Books of the Bible Quiz
Saturday 15th August 2020
Here's a quiz to test your biblical knowledge This puzzle explains itself as you read through it. A Vicar once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible (merely by fluke): it kept people looking so hard for the facts and for others it was a revelation; some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalised. But now the truth finally struck home to the numbers of readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really difficult ones to spot. Others will require judges to help them. We will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to…
A sermon for the Transfiguration of Christ
Monday 10th August 2020
"Transfiguration and disfiguration are closely linked. We can choose to see each other and ourselves differently - to look with new eyes and hear with new ears." Rev. Dr Eliza Getman urges us to wake up to engage with the transfiguring power of God. Read her sermon here
Resource for Bible Study
Friday 31st July 2020
As part of the Zoom service this Sunday, we will be discussing the account of Jesus' feeding of over 5000 people. You can find the resource sheet here and the passage on this week's pewsheet. We will be thinking about what we notice for the first time, what questions we would like to ask after reading the story, and how it might impact our actions.
St Thomas Safeguarding Prayer
Friday 31st July 2020
Jane has kindly given permission to share her Safeguarding Prayer, which we use regularly at our meetings. You can read the prayer here.
Trinity 7 Parables about the Kingdom of Heaven
Sunday 26th July 2020
Phil Baker
In the reading from St Matthew's Gospel today Jesus tells his disciples a series of parables about the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven. Phil considers these in his sermon here.
We're good to go!
Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Rev. Sarah
Delighted to announce that we have received the 'We're Good to Go' award from Visit England, in recognition of our hard work in meeting all of their enhanced Health and Safety standards due to COVID-19. Please remember to play your part by using hand sanitizer and maintaining social distance when visiting the church for private prayer or worship.
Trinity 6 Rev. Sarah considers the nature of God
Sunday 19th July 2020
People 'simply assume that who they believe God to be and who God truly is are one and the same. God is as large or small as they believe the infinite one to be and none of the beliefs they entertain about God could possibly be wrong'. So says Miroslav Volf in his book 'Free of Charge'. How does this challenge us in exploring the nature of God? Rev. Sarah considers this in her sermon here.
Knit and Natter
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Summer 2020 We are meeting, socially distanced, every Thursday from 10.30 to about 1pm in St Thomas Pleasure Ground throughout the summer. Some of us bring our own drinks and picnic, and some of us buy them from one of our wonderful cafes in Cowick Street which have opened again. Join us for a few minutes if you're busy or enjoy a leisurely time and a picnic lunch. It's all about being together. The only proviso is the weather! Ring Jenny Tuckett for more information on 01392 298725.