St Thomas Blog

Keep up to date with news and views from St Thomas Church!

Trinity Sunday

Sunday 7th June 2020
Susannah Cornwall

Read Susannah's words here as she helps us understand the Trinity and what it means to us today. You can also listen to it below.

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Grant from Devon County Council

Thursday 4th June 2020
David Nixon

I am very pleased to report that we have been successful in a small grant application to Devon County Council's Covid19 emergency grant programme. We applied for help to pay postage and stationery for our mail-outs to support those who do not have internet connections. We have received £429. Thank you Devon

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Thoughts about Bob Mounce

Thursday 4th June 2020
Mary Daunton

Here is an an ode to my "Right Hand Man" written by Mary

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Judith works for 'Thy Kingdom Come'

Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Judith Southam

I have a couple of chronic conditions so I have some limitations in order to stay well. When the Covid19 lockdown occurred, I went quite mad volunteering for all kinds of nursing-related jobs; unfortunately, I was turned down or not called back. I felt useless, frustrated and angry! Then I was reminded from a Facebook page that I had another potentially useful skill: I can sew! I found out that the NHS, care homes, local surgeries, volunteer groups, neighbours and friends were desperate for scrubs, face masks, headbands with buttons, and scrub caps. I couldn't sew up 3 sets of scrubs in a week as other sewers could but I could make smaller items like face masks, headbands and scrub…

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Pentecost 2020

Sunday 31st May 2020
Rev Eliza Getman

Read Rev Eliza's sermon for Pentecost Sunday 2020 here

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Modern Beatitudes

Thursday 28th May 2020
Yve Taylor

All Saints Sunday, is a time when we remember and celebrate the lives of those who have gone before us, who Jesus would bless. I thought maybe it was time to have some beatitudes for this time of pandemic, for this place, and these people, remembering those who have succumbed to COVID-19 and those grieving the loss of loved ones, left to pick up the pieces, because I like to imagine Jesus here standing among us saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the agnostics. Blessed are they who doubt. Those who aren't sure, who can still be surprised. Blessed are they who are spiritually…

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A Review of Terry Waite's 'Solitude'

Wednesday 27th May 2020
Sue Morrish

The Lockdown Library in Wardrew Road has boasted a wide variety of genres, including this book. Our neighbour, Sue Morrish, has been self-isolating since the beginning of the pandemic and yet remains consistently cheerful and caring. So when she spotted this book from her window seat and enjoyed reading it, Sue seemed the obvious person to ask to review it. Read what she thought below: SOLITUDE By TERRY WAITE Review by SUE MORRISH When I first saw a review of this book in a group I follow, I fancied a read. When I saw the title standing out from a distance in the Wardrew Road Lockdown Library, I had to try it. What…

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Easter 7

Sunday 24th May 2020
Fr Terry Litherland

Read Fr Terry's sermon here or listen to it below. ASCENSION DAY PRAYER Risen Christ, you have raised our human nature to the throne of heaven: help us to seek and serve you, that we may join you at the Father's side, where you reign with the Spirit in glory, now and forever. Amen Common Worship

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Jenny's Lockdown Plant Stall

Saturday 23rd May 2020
Ann King

You may remember at the beginning of lockdown, Jenny set up a weekly free plant stall outside her home. Over the past six weeks, Jenny's generosity has inspired gardeners old and new and St Thomas vegetable and flower plots have been filled with her beautiful plants. Gardeners have been equally generous in return, supporting Jenny's appeal for donations to the Community Larder. In total, Jenny has passed 13 bags of groceries and £156.71 cash to the project that is supporting a growing number of local families in need of help because of the pandemic. Jenny would like to extend her thanks to everyone who has supported her and hopes that all your gardening efforts will bear fruit! (And you can continue to support…

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A prayer during lockdown

Friday 22nd May 2020
Gwen Matthews

Gracious Friend and Living, Loving Lord, the people of our world are under attack by a pretty little virus with evil intent - to try and drastically reduce the world population - in the most appalling way. Our people are fighting back, stoically nursing the sick and dying while taking care for their own safety. Many of the nursing staff have succumbed to the disease. Apart from the hospitals and care homes many people are still working to deliver food and necessaries to those of us who are in "lockdown" and isolated. This time of separation has united us in a common consideration for our friends and neighbours and those we see might need a little extra…

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