St Thomas Blog
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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Monday 18th January 2021
There is an annual week from 18th to 25th January when there is an especial focus in our prayers on Christian Unity, often with events in local neighbourhoods to mark the importance of this. The Diocese of Exeter is twinned with the (catholic) Diocese of Bayeux-Lisieux in Normandy, France. There are regular exchange visits, and every other year an exchange of preachers during this Unity Week. Fr David has visited France on several occasions for this purpose, with Fr Laurent Berthout making the reverse journey. The videos below in French and English mark this occasion, when because of Covid, we cannot make the visits in person. The text of Fr David's sermon is here. Let us also not forget the St Thomas…
Talk for Epiphany 2
Monday 18th January 2021
Read here the talk given by Fr David on zoom on 17 January 2021.
Talk for the Baptism of Christ
Monday 11th January 2021
Rev. Sarah raises issues from the baptism of Christ and how this affects our understanding of baptisms in church. Read her zoom talk .
Feast of the Epiphany Zoom Talk & Prayers
Monday 4th January 2021
Phil Baker
Read Phil Baker's Epiphany zoom talk here and Fr Terry's Prayers.
Talk for 27 December St Thomas Becket
Sunday 27th December 2020
Read Fr David's zoom talk for the Patronal Feast of Thomas Becket.
Tidings of Great Joy!
Friday 25th December 2020
"To you is born this day a Saviour, who is Christ, the Lord" Read Fr David's Christmas sermon here.
Look for the Light
Tuesday 22nd December 2020
Revd Tom Carson, the Chaplain at Exeter School, has written and performed a song for Christmas, from Joseph's perspective. Well done and thank you, Tom
Talk for Advent 4 (20th December)
Tuesday 22nd December 2020
Please click here to read Fr David's talk at the Zoom service on the 4th Sunday of Advent.
Intercessions for Advent 3
Wednesday 16th December 2020
Read Susannah's excellent intercessions here for the third Sunday of Advent.
Talk for Advent 3
Monday 14th December 2020
Ian Totterdell, Churchwarden
Read here Ian Totterdell's talk about what Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah and what he would achieve.